The Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne, sincerely thanks the Circle of Friends of the Museum of Lacquer Art, Münster
Precious Donation
The Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne, sincerely thanks the Circle of Friends of the Museum of Lacquer Art, Münster, for the donation of a contemporary Japanese lacquer object. The fine tea bowl from the Hikoju Makie workshop in Wajima was made in 2019 by the artist Takashi Wakamiya (b. 1964). Prof. Dr. Monika Kopplin, Emeritus Director of the Museum of Lacquer Art, and Board Members of the Circle of Friends Henner Stratenwerth and Dirk Grolman presented the gift to Director Dr. Shao-Lan Hertel on December 6, 2024.
The donated lacquer tea bowl is astonishing in its technically and aesthetically perfected form, which is modelled after the well-known Tenmoku ceramic bowls originating in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries more. The lacquer piece embodies the living transmission of traditional arts and craftsmanship in Japan, which today are facing increasingly precarious conditions. In particular, the well-known lacquer workshops of Wajima in Ishikawa Prefecture suffered a fundamentally severe blow through the devastating earthquake that occurred in early 2024, leaving around half of the workshops destroyed.
The donation to the museum is of special significance, in that it symbolically lays a cornerstone for the future collaboration and continued institutional cooperation and friendship between Cologne and Münster within the field of East Asian lacquer art.
Kostbare Schenkung
Das Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst dankt dem Freundeskreis des Museums für Lackkunst e.V. herzlich für die Schenkung eines zeitgenössischen japanischen Lackobjekts.
mehrStellungnahme der Direktorin
Einbruchdiebstahl am Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln am 13. September 2023
mehrOpening times
Tuesday to Sunday
11am – 5pm
Every first Thursday in the month
11am – 10pm (except October 3, 2024)
The museum is closed due to the Cologne Marathon on 6 October 2024.
Closed Mondays; open on All Saints' Day
Museum is closed on December 24th, Christmas Day (25 Dec), New Year's Eve (31 Dec) and New Year's Day (1 Jan). Museum is opend on Easter Monday, Whit Monday, German Unity Day and December 26.
Admission prices
€ 9,50 / € 5,50
KölnTag on the first Thursday of the month (except public holidays): free admission to the Museum for all Cologne residents.
How to get here
Public transport: Tram routes 1 and 7 and bus route 142, alight at ‘Universitätsstrasse’
There is a car park at the museum
The museum is barrier-free. Disabled toilet available.
Museum für
Ostasiatische Kunst Köln
Universitätsstrasse 100
D 50674 Köln
Ticket office +49.221.221-28617
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Opening times
Tuesday to Sunday
11am – 5pm
Every first Thursday in the month
11am – 10pm
Closed Mondays; open on All Saints' Day
Museum is closed on December 24th, Christmas Day (25 Dec), New Year's Eve (31 Dec) and New Year's Day (1 Jan). Museum is opend on Easter Monday, Whit Monday, German Unity Day and December 26.
Admission prices
€ 7,50 /reduced € 4,50
from 20 June
€ 9,50 /reduced € 5,50
KölnTag on the first Thursday of the month (except public holidays): free admission to the Museum for all Cologne residents.
How to get here
Public transport: Tram routes 1 and 7 and bus route 142, alight at ‘Universitätsstrasse’
There is a car park at the museum
The museum is barrier-free. Disabled toilet available.
Museum für
Ostasiatische Kunst Köln
Universitätsstrasse 100
D 50674 Köln
Ticket office +49.221.221-28617
Legal notice